Thursday, August 1, 2013

July 2013: Running Madness

July truly was the running month. Also its my birthday month! So yeah. Eating a lot was part of this month's routine. But this was also the month I ran most. Before my first fun run, we trained for 4 days straight running 4 to 5 km/day and rested for 2 days before the race. The night before we loaded up on protein and a bit of carbs to give energy for the race.

We ran the 12k leg of the Los Banos Uphill Challenge. And damn they were not joking about the uphill part. We literally ran (mostly walked) the uphill parts of the race. It was about 5km of uphill roads. I thought I could never finish the race but my friends pushed me to move on the tough parts of the race. But it was mostly will power that drove me on most parts of the race. So far it was my longest and most excruciating run I had. 

July was a blast! I ran 81.7 km according to the Nike+Running app. Still I averaged 9 min 24 sec/km putting a total distance of 204.9k since February. A bit slow for 1k but I'm getting faster. I averaged 9'43"/km last June so I managed to run 19 seconds faster.

Now for the photos!

Showing our colors during practice. 

On the last stretch of the race!(Photo courtesy of

Pushing it for the last few meters.(Photo courtesy of
Showing off what we accomplished!

UP Los Banos... Conquered!
More challenges? Bring it on!
July 2013 Overview

Weight Log for this month with the new scale!

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